FT20 Cheese Vat & Cheese Making Accessories


FT20 Cheese Vat & Cheese Making Accessories

The Armfield Cheese Vat (FT20) is a small-scale version of the industrial processing vessel in which these operations are carried out. The unit was developed from the original design by a prominent dairy foods research institute. The vat, having a batch capacity of either 10 or 20 litres dependent upon model, creates representative batches of soft and hard cheeses for demonstration, research and analysis purposes.

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Manufactured wholly in stainless steel and bench mounted, the vat is hygienic in use. It has a removable paddle agitator of stainless steel, driven by a variable speed motor. Water is circulated around the vat jacket at a pre-selectable temperatures by an internal pump.

The control system incorporates:

  •  HMI for control and visualisation of data
  •  digital display of pH of vat contents
  •  digital display of temperature of vat contents and water temperature
  •  agitator stop/start and variable speed control
  •  integrated data logger with USB output
  •  automatic control of agitator speed, temperatures and times for up to six steps

The pH and temperature probes are suspended in the vat contents from a bracket on the rim of the vat.

A specially designed perforated strainer fits into the vat outlet to facilitate efficient draining.

Technical Specifications


Working capacity: 10 or 20 litres depending on model

Agitator paddle: Stainless steel

Agitator drive motor: 12Nm torque with variable speed

Paddle: Removable assembly

Perforated strainer: Stainless steel

Hygienic outlet valve: Ball type’

Control Console As well as containing the necessary electrical circuitry, the unit houses

Heating water system: 0.85kW, temperature range ambient to 50°C set via the HMI

Safety: hardwired over-temperature cut out

Agitator paddle:  with variable speed drive controlled via the HMI.USB output and data logging software (64bit compatible)

Note: Requires PC for downloading of data pH/ temperature indication on the HMI

Thermocouple probe: Type K

pH probe: Food spear type, 0 -14pH. Can be calibrated via software

Agitator paddle

Variable speed drive control: Thyristor, DC

USB output and data logging software (64bit compatible) Note: Requires PC for data logging (not supplied).

 pH/temperature indication: 3½ digit display

 Thermocouple probe: Type K

 pH probe: Food spear type, 0 -14pH

Features & Benefits

  • Makes all well known types of cheese
  • Economical with raw materials
  • 1kg batch provides adequate material for sampling
  • 10 or 20 litre capacity stainless steel jacketed vat available
  •  Bench mounting with small footprint
  •  Separate console controls vat temperature and paddle speed
  • Water heater fitted in console
  • Integrated data logging facility for temperature and pH (requires PC)
  • Range of cheese making accessories
  • Simple controls
  • Ease of use

The vat and accessories are capable of:

  • Heating and agitating milk and holding at the required temperature for addition of starter culture and rennet
  • Holding at temperature during coagulation
  • Cutting and healing the curd
  • Maintaining the temperatures and agitating for designated steps
  • Settling the curd or ‘pitching’
  • Drawing the whey
  • Milling
  • Salt addition
  • Pressing

Designed to be used with the Armfield FT20 Cheese Vat to produce approximately 1kg of finished cheese.

Using the accessories, it is possible to carry out the following operations: curd cutting, cheddaring, pH determination (chemical) and pressing.

  • Stainless steel horizontal blade curd knife
  • Stainless steel vertical blade curd knife
  • Stainless steel cheddaring box plus weights up to 10kg (2kg x 5) for initiating the traditional cheddaring process
  • Cheese press with two moulds
  • Acid testing kit comprising, including apparatus and chemicals
Armfield FT20 Cheese Vat Accessories Family

Electrical Supply: Single phase (see Ordering codes)

Packed and created shipping specifications

Volume | Gross Weight

FT20-10: 0.7m3 80Kg

FT20-20: 0.8m3 90Kg

Overall dimensions


FT20-10: 0.6mm 0.35m 0.45m

FT20-20: 0.45m 0.75m 0.35m

    • FT20-10-A   220-240V / 1ph / 50Hz (1.2kW)
    • FT20-10-B  120V / 1ph / 60Hz (1.2kW)
    • FT20-10-G  220-240V / 1ph / 60Hz (1.2kW)
    • FT20-20-A  220-240V / 1ph / 50Hz (1.2kW)
    • FT20-20-B 120V / 1ph / 60Hz (1.2kW)
    • FT20-20-G 220-240V / 1ph / 60Hz (1.2kW)
    • FT20A: Cheese Making Accessories option

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