F1-17 Orifice and Free Jet Flow


F1-17 Orifice and Free Jet Flow

A constant head tank is maintained with water from the Hydraulics Bench. The orifice (3mm or 6mm) is installed at the base of this tank ensuring a flush inside surface. The jet trajectory is mapped using 8-point gauges to determine the discharge coefficient.

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The Orifice & Free Jet Flow accessory incorporates a constant head tank fed with water from the hydraulics bench. The orifice is installed at the base of this tank by means of a special wall fitting which provides a flush inside surface.

The head is maintained at a constant value by an adjustable overflow pipe and is indicated by a level scale. A series of adjustable probes enable the path followed by the jet to be ascertained.

Adjustable feet permit levelling.

Technical Specifications

  • Orifice diameters: 3.0mm and 6.0mm
  • Jet trajectory probes: 8
  • Max constant head: 410mm
Requires Hydraulics Bench Service unit F1-10/F1-10-2

Features & Benefits

  • Establishing the coefficient of velocity for a small orifice
  • Finding the coefficient of discharge for a small orifice with flow under constant head and flow under varying head
  • Comparing the measured trajectory of a jet with that predicted by simple theory of mechanics
  • Effect of tank level on jet outlet velocity

Length: 0.67m

Width: 0.33m

Height: 0.60m


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