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    A range of process teaching equipment is available to demonstrate relevant measurement and control experiments using real engineering equipment.

    Remote access to the essentials of Process Control

    Introduce students to the fundamentals and principles of process control and provide a thorough understanding in the control of physical processes with Armfield’s Essentials Process Control range.

    Level, flow, temperature and pressure as the controlled variable can all be demonstrated via four independent process units. The concepts of closed loop control, including on/off control, proportional control, proportional/integral and proportional/integral/derivative (PID) control can be explored and demonstrated.

    All units are computer controlled and can be remotely operated enabling seamless teaching in a distant or remote learning environment.

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    Armfield Process Control Teaching System

    Introduce students to the fundamentals and principles of process control with Armfield’s Essentials of Process Control range.

    A highly visible and easy-to-understand suite of products to demonstrate controlled variables of level, flow, temperature and pressure. ArmSOFT software allows control and data acquisition using a PC including, when testing any of the control loops, the ability to control the process and initiation of step changes as well as response recording through graphing. This real-time data can then be exported for further analysis, See the full range of PCT-related products.